Consider this a pause between Act I and Act II.
I am creating art at a rather phenomenal pace this year. This leap forward is exciting and invigorating and means I have turned a corner from one stage of my life to the next. My beasties are bigger, my body is healing, and my energy level is hitting all new highs. There are a handful of important reasons for these changes, and those of you who have lifted me up on your shoulders with love, friendship and support deserve a million thanks. It will take me a lifetime to repay each of you, and I look forward to many happy days ahead returning the support.
This also means I'm building things far more quickly than I can document their creation here. I'll start to catch you up in the days ahead. Since blogging seems to take a back seat to other social media these days, I'm revamping my sidebar to include everything I've fabricated since the first of January.
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